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HOUSTON, TX, June 19, 2015: Streebo, a Premier IBM Business partner and market leader in enterprise mobility and multi-channel solutions, and Luxembourg based C-O-E, a well-recognized IBM Premier Business partner for Information Management, Financial Regulatory Consultancy and IT Strategy in Europe, today announced their Partnership. As part of this alliance, C-O-E will be able to leverage Streebo’s Enterprise ready mobile apps and multi-channel solutions and their best-in-class expertise in Mobile App development to boost the mobile app market in Europe and support its existing customers and prospects with the development of their mobile strategy.

Streebo’s Enterprise ready Apps, Mobile experience suite of products and knowledge of various industry verticals coupled with C-O-E’s expertise in Information Management, and creatively positioning IT services in the European market, gives clients the support and services they need to effectively build mobile and collaboration solutions to sustain growth in this challenging economy.

The alliance also gives Streebo, access to an ecosystem of C-O-E customers who rely on their best-in-class Advisory services and IBM technology expertise to deliver their Information Management implementations. Working through C-O-E, these customers can now leverage Streebo’s award winning enterprise mobile solutions. The two companies also plan to jointly market IBM MobileFirst® and IBM Digital Experience Suite® technologies and plan to explore opportunities to mobilize clients across various industry segments.

C-O-E customers can now use Streebo’s pre-built apps and its Mobile Forms tooling, and C-O-E’s out-of-the-box thinking and client engagement expertise to quickly deploy (On Premises OR on Cloud) progressively enriching mobile and digital experiences that are powered by IBM MobileFirst® and IBM Digital Experience Suite® platforms. These solutions help organizations in empowering employees and engaging customers, eventually helping organizations to engage the right people to drive innovation, incremental revenue and deliver desired results.

About IBM MobileFirst®: IBM MobileFirst® helps organizations extend their business to mobile devices. It is designed to provide an open, comprehensive and advanced mobile application platform to build, run and manage mobile applications. With IBM MobileFirst®, organizations can efficiently develop, run and manage HTML5, hybrid and native apps, reduce their development cost, improve time-to-market and enhance mobile app governance and security.

About IBM Digital Experience Suite®: IBM Digital Experience Suite® helps organizations, continually reinvent customer and employee engagement. IBM DES helps organizations provide their customers and employees with a consistently engaging, personalized and relevant digital experience across multiple channels and touch points. It provides rich, integrated capabilities for managing web and digital content, real-time social communications, robust customer and commerce self-service capabilities, business analytics and mobile device delivery.

About Streebo Inc.: Headquartered in Houston, Texas and operating across the world through it’s widespread business partner eco-systems, Streebo (www.streebo.com/mobile) is a Premier IBM Business Partner and a global provider of enterprise mobility and multi-channel solutions for Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Manufacturing and Retail industries. Awarded with various IBM accolades through the years and, also listed on 2015 CIO Review Magazine as one of the most promising enterprise mobility companies in the North America, Streebo continues to deliver the breakthrough mobile and multi-channel solutions across industries.

About C-O-E: With Headquarters in Luxembourg and Monaco, C-O-E is operating across the European Union. C-O-E (https://www.c-o-e.com/) is industry leader in providing Information Management solutions and regulatory consultancy. C-O-E’s systematic approach to analyzing a business and creatively respond with its various services propositions can lead enterprises to greater levels of productivity and profitability. With years of advisory experience, financial expertise and services excellence, they help clients understand their industry requirements, employee needs, and manage information, better. C-O-E helps enterprises in defining an IT strategy that both fits their current business needs, and is able to evolve to help them take on tomorrow’s challenges.

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+352 28 80 20 1

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Luxembourg Office

23 avenue Pasteur

L-2311 Luxembourg

Phone: +352 28 80 20 1

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