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“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”
Peter Drucker

(ES)2 stands for Smart, Efficient & Effective Spendings

How does it work?

Stage 0: contract

This is crucial. We’re going to have access to many information about your organisation, we want to assure you, by contract, that this information will be treated with the care and confidentiality it deserves.

Stage 1: scoping

What can we look at? Who can we talk to? Are there specific boundaries? If there are taboos, areas that we can’t challenge for political or historical reasons, just tell us, you don’t have to explain us your reasons, only to give us your limits, we will respect it.

Stage 2: communication

You do not want to frighten your staff, nor do we. Profitability reviews have long been lead with too few human concerns, often with hidden objectives. This is not the case here, and we think it is both important and useful that your people are made aware of the objectives and rational of the project: therefore, we prepare a short booklet for you to give to the persons of your choice inside your organisation.

Stage 3: review

We work to identify the areas for improvement. We pay specific attention to the following areas, for they have been proven to have the biggest potential for optimisation:

  • Processes
  • IT systems
  • Service providers
Stage 4: debriefing & decisions

We present you the areas of improvement that we have identified in a structured and organised manner:

  1. What can be improved
  2. How it can be improved
  3. How long it would take
  4. How much it would cost and how much you would save

… in order for you to decide what recommendations you want to apply and to give them a priority.

Stage 5: implementation

After your made your decision, we help you in the implementation (implementation of new systems or new processes, transition to a new service provider, etc.).

How much does it cost?

The right question to ask is: how much does it pay off? But we will answer the question.
From stages 0 to 4: you only pay a symbolic amount, only to demonstrate a commitment – this is basically free, for this amount will be deducted from any cost incurred during stage 5.
During stage 5: you pay the investment on the projects you selected (software licences, etc.), not more, not less.
Our services are charged afterwards as a performance fee: you only pay once you have experienced the benefits, and you keep most of it.

There are no foolish questions, and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.

Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Contact Us

Phone Number

+352 28 80 20 1

C-O-E Addresses

Luxembourg Office

23 avenue Pasteur

L-2311 Luxembourg

Phone: +352 28 80 20 1

Contact us | c-o-e