c-o-e developed a series of packaged offers from methodologies to pieces of software or BPO services of reporting, monitoring or compliance: PSD2, BCBS239, GDPR, etc.
One example is our PSD2 Enabler Solution
In a nutshell, how it works and why it’s working!
Manage your profile
- Manage your logs retention (including zero log)
- Capability to obfuscate specific fields (anonymization, pseudonymisation, data wiping, replacement by dummy data, etc.)
- Download your logs
- Manage the access to your tenant
- Manage your targets: ASPSP and environment
- Manage your requests history
- Access your agreements with target ASPSPs
- Access the ticketing system
- Create identification pattern for transactions initiated by SPHERICS PSD2 ENABLER
Manage your tenant
- Manage your tenant (branding, modules activation, etc.)
- Manage your sub-tenants
- Manage your delegates and their authorisations
- Consolidate your logs at a specific tenant’s level
- Communication cross-tenants
- Tasks creation and assignment cross-tenants
“Mirror your requests” interface
- Create your payloads as a TPP
- Save your favorite payloads
- Select your target: desired ASPSP & desired environment
- Run your payloads
- Get your responses as a TPP
- Save your favorite responses
- Compare the responses with your favorites and highlight the gaps
- Deployed on highly available server
“Be Compliant” interface
- Capability to upload your data
- Capability to manage your uploaded data retention (by default they are destroyed once processed)
- Swagger Gap Analysis towards norms BG, Open-Banking, STET
- Compute statistics (delta & legal reports)
- Log your incidents & track your defects
- Deployed on highly available server
To Go Further
- Consume via direct APIs calls
- Ideal responses crafting
- Stress testing scenarios towards one target
- End-to-End tests scenarios
- Error testing scenarios
- Multiple test instances
- XML payload support